Opinioni su progetto riforma DOP- IGP promossa dalla Commissione UE nel 2022.
Progetto 2022 riforma DOP: appena teminato il round delle trattative per la PAC 2023/2027, che ha modificato la disciplina su DOP e IGP per i vini in modo molto limitato, la Commissione UE ha presentato un progetto per la loro riforma di molto più ampio respiro.
Trattasi della procedura legislativa 2022/0089(COD), attualmente in corso, che dovrebbe sostanzialmente condurre a riunire in un unico testo regolamentare la disciplina relativa alle denominazioni di origine di vini, alimenti e bevande spiritose.
Finalità del progetto 2022 riforma DOP
Queste le finalità della riforma:
The proposal for the revision of the GI system consists of a set of rules designed to put in place a coherent system for GIs aimed at assisting producers to better communicate the qualities, characteristics and attributes of their GI products, and at ensuring appropriate consumer information. Moreover, the proposal clarifies and improves the traditional speciality guarantee (TSG) scheme while it makes no changes to the scheme for optional quality terms.
The proposal has the following specific objectives:
(1) improve the enforcement of GI rules to better protect IPR and better protect GIs on the internet, including against bad faith registrations and fraudulent and deceptive practices, and uses in the domain name system, and combat counterfeiting;
(2) to simplify and harmonise the procedures for application for registration streamline and clarify the legal framework of new names and amendments to product specifications. The different technical and procedural rules for geographical indications would be merged, resulting in a single simplified GI registration procedure for EU and third country applicants;
(3) contribute to making the Union food system more sustainable by integrating specific sustainability criteria. As a direct follow-up to the Farm to Table strategy, producers could highlight their actions in the field of social, environmental or economic sustainability in their specifications by setting the corresponding requirements;
(4) empower producers and producer groups to better manage their GI assets and encourage the development of structures and partnerships within the food supply chain. Member States should recognise GI producer groups at their request. Recognised groups would be empowered
to manage, enforce and develop their GI, including access to anti-counterfeiting authorities and customs services in all Member States;
(5) increase correct market perception and consumer awareness of the GI policy and Union symbols to enable consumers to make informed purchasing choices. It is foreseen to make the use of EU symbols or indications on the packaging of products with a geographical indication obligatory in order to increase consumer awareness of this category of products and the related guarantees, and to facilitate the identification of these products on the market, thus facilitating controls;
(6) safeguard the protection of traditional food names to better valorise and preserve traditional products and production methods.
As regards the reduction of administrative burden, the proposal provides for technical assistance in the registration procedure by an existing EU agency and full exploitation of digital tools. The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) will provide technical support in the monitoring process to help speed up procedures.
The new domain name information and alert system to be established by EUIPO will provide GI applicants with an additional digital tool as part of the application process to better protect and enforce their GI rights.
La materia rientra tra quelle dichiarate di interesse prioritario dalla istituzioni comunitarie, per cui la relativa disamina dovrebbe procedere con una certa celerità.
Oltre all’alto suo interesse, il tema presenta conseguente delicatezza.
Opinioni sul progetto 2022 riforma DOP
Sembra utile segnalare alcune autorevoli opinioni, espresse di recente in materia.